First of all, I can't begin to thank all of you absolute heroes for the inundation of laser beam shark pictures I received yesterday morning. Now, all you have to do is google my name and one appears in all his glory.
Let's make this shit happen.
In all seriousness though, I actually kind of joked with Dr. Beal, head of stereotactic radiosurgery, about buying one of these machines after she was curious about how my Spanish language was coming today and I shit you not - she laughed and didn't outright dismiss the idea. WHAT!?? There is some Illuminati stuff happening here. THEY KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T KNOW. (Lindsay - please give me a call).
But seriously, I'm feeling oddly melancholy about relinquishing my daily dose of brow defining beautiful beaming waves of high dose energy to my mainframe. I would start the morning with green goodness and then gear myself up for some loving brain energy.
Sometimes I would feel like I were walking about of an intense facial. I actually said this once or twice and the radiation oncology techs at MSKCC think I'm legitimately insane. I think I'm okay with this.
Per usual, I'm still picking up the occasional superhuman ability and have now mastered Schumann’s Toccata in C Major Op. 7.
However, I'm still on hand for any one-off interpretation sessions. Piano mastery lessons can be add-on but should be billed separately. I take card, checks, money order or non-refundable investments TO MY HIGH BEAM RADIATION MACHINES.
Tomorrow will be a day filled with appointments about the new path forward and whether Lil will be in her right condition to make the most of the stem cell magic syrup. We shall see and I'll keep ya'll posted. I gave her some acupuncture love today so I'm hoping she comes around.
As always, I'm overwhelmed by the loving messages, positive vibes and pictures of your one-eyed, side-eye-giving dogs that I receive as I prepare to tackle these days head. Couldn't do any of this without every single one of you. Especially you, Tomba.
Love you all so much,
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